Set location to search in


Before start searching for password protected files you should set a location to search those files in. There are two ways to specify "search in" path.

  • Click on the "Search in" drop-list and select some folder or device to search. To specify the custom path to search you should click "Select custom...".

  • Go to "Search in" tag. Use "Add path" and "Remove path" buttons to add or remove search paths;

Note: to search the network drive you should use "Select Custom" option and then go to "My Network Places" or other network associated group.


When scanning folders Find Protected can search in the sub-folders. Use "Scan sub-folders" check box to turn on this feature.


Two ways to set location to search in



Click on the "Search in" drop-list and select some folder or device to search.



Go to "Search in" tag. Use "Add path" and "Remove path" buttons to add or remove search paths.